Monday, June 17, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 15

Project Management - Essay ExampleThis can be embraced to improve the look and feel of the hotel.The briny aim of this project is to redesign Hotel Sun Beach to give it a modern look yet at the same time preserving its cultural diachronic look to enable it maintain its status as the main tourist attraction in the region. This will only be achieved by focusing on different areas of the hotel that finally makes it up as a whole.Since time in memorial, Hotel Sun Beach has been the main tourist attraction in the region. This has enabled it offer particular(a) services which are being financed from its own income from tourists. To maintain its status and offer even better services, it has become vital to improve its image both from the at heart and the outside, something that can only be achieved from a carefully planned process focused to make it maintain a position second to n adept. This project is direct towards achieving exactly that.The success of any project is always determined by how well tasks return been planned and executed to achieve the overall objective intend for the project as a whole. The extent to which these activities and tasks can be executed within a project is what is termed as the project scope. In order for one to ensure that they remain within the project scope throughout the project life, it is important for them to adopt a predetermined sequence of events each of which is directed towards achieving a predetermined deliverable or project milestone. This series of predetermined events within a project is called a project methodology.According to the United States Department of Agriculture, (USDA FSA, 2009), a project lifetime processes can be grouped into five (5) groups which can be executed multiple times throughout the life of the project. The five groups which have been extracted from the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodology areTo ensure that the project does not deviate away from its objectives, PRINCE2 project

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